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Episode #28-What Are Your Top 3 Thoughts as a Parent?

Ever listen to a greatest hits album on repeat?  A record album has grooves that the needle rides along and the album goes round and round.  The thoughts in our brains work the same way.  We have thoughts and return to them over and over again on default.

What are your top 3 thoughts about yourself as a parent?

What are your top 3 thoughts about your teenager?

It's good information to know as it is the cornerstone of your relationship with yourself and with your teenager.

In this episode I share my top 3 in both areas and give you a process to uncover yours.  I also share how you can begin to shift these thoughts today.

Find out more about me here www.jessicastewartcoaching.

I have coaching spots available in the New Year, Book a Free Consult Here

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