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#39-Righteous Anger

Anger feels good sometimes.  We usually don't continue doing things that aren't working for us in some way.  This episode is looking at the ways in which we like to keep our anger and the ways anger helps us feel empowered sometimes.

What about when it doesn't work though and it is harming our most important relationships?  What do we do then. In this episode I teach you how to identify and work with righteous anger. We all have it and we all like to be right. I know I do but do we want to be right at the risk of the connection with our loved ones?

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Want to work with me 1:1 for free.  I'm looking for people to beta test my 6 week coaching program for free.  E-mail me for more information and to set up a consult call

Grab your Lost It on Your Teenager Video here