#42-Your Changing Role as the Parent of a Teenager
Why are my old ways of parenting not working anymore? What's happening now that I have a teenager that I feel like I've lost all of my parenting skills? You are not alone in this thinking.
As our teenagers grow and change, so must we. It's not easy though and we can be so resistant to this. It makes sense that we resist it but it also doesn't help make our parenting journey any easier.
In this episode I will share a helpful metaphor for this changing role and the reasons we may be revisiting this change. I will also share some things you can do right now to bring some awareness to this. Change is hard and it's hard for our teenagers and us alike. Take heart, you are both going through massive changes in your relationship with each other.
Want some help with this transition for free? E-mail me at Jessica.stwrt@gmail.com for more information on how to take part in my free for a limited time 6-week coaching progarm.