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#53-CALM is Your Natural State

What if CALM is not somewhere we are trying to get to or strive for?  I've been striving to be calm for awhile now and what I've come to realize is that our calm state is covered up by a lot of false thoughts that are disguising themselves as the truth.  What if we can be like water and rest into calm.  Allow ourselves to settle.  The more we do this the easier it gets to come into that state of being.

Think of a lake or an ocean.  When is it actually calm like glass with no movement?  Very seldom, so don't judge yourself either if you are not calm.  It takes some practise and some removal of old patterns to rest into a calmer state.  The times when we are agitated are perfect teachers to help us learn and really unlearn our old worried and fearful ways of thinking.

This episode is all about that...... CALM waters ahead.

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