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#65-Acceptance is Not Passive
I know what you're thinking because I've thought it too. If I just accept things that means I like them, condone them or am not going to do anything about it?
This is not true and in fact the reality is when something...
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#64-Understanding Teen Mood Swings
Oh the moodiness of teenagers!! It's so frustrating! This episode will tell you why this happens and what you can do to help your teen and yourself through this time.
I will also go over how to tell if there is...
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#63-Strategic Use of Technology in Parent-Teen Communication
Texting and e-mail are super convenient and quick but not always the best mode of communication. When is it best to use these and when is it best to have a phone conversation or a face-to-face?
This episode gives...
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#62-The Problem With the Thought "I Just Want Them to be Happy"
What's wrong with the thought "I Just Want Them to be Happy"? It sounds like a great thing to think doesn't it?
Well, it is laced with problems for you and for your teenager. In this week's episode I will tell you...
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#61-Teen Anxiety
Teen anxiety seems to be ramping up these days. We are hearing about the increase everywhere. How do we help our teenagers deal with this in the best way possible? The best way is to be aware of your own emotional...
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#60-Parental Anxiety
Parenting teenagers can certainly bring up anxiety in us. If it didn't I doubt you would be listening to this podcast. Listen to this episode for some practical ways to manage the heightened anxiety that comes with...
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#59-Insights on Anxiety
Anxiety is a constant companion for me so I'm going to focus on it for the next 3 episodes. Parenting teenagers can increase anxiety in parents like no other time in life.
This episode focuses on what anxiety is...
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#58-How to Stop Yelling at Your Teenager
Are you struggling to stop yelling at your teenager despite knowing it's not helping?
This episode is for you.
In it I will discuss the very human reasons we yell at each other and what to do about it. I will also...
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#57-What We Can Learn from the Troubled Teen Industry
Have you watched the shows about these programs that claim to help teenagers reform? There is good and bad in every industry but what does this say about relationships?
It's no wonder parents put their faith in...
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#56-What to Do If You Are Struggling With Your Teen Going Away to College
I have been seeing a lot of posts on the socials lately from parents struggling as their teens leave to go away to college for the first time.
What is the advice for how to deal with this? Do I get a dog? Do I find...
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#55-Resisting the Reflex to Fix
Do you find yourself frustrated with your teenager because you have all the best advice but they just don't listen?
There is a principle rooted in health education called the "righting reflex" and we do it all the...
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#54-The Power of Working on Just You in a Relationship
What happens if the other person in your relationship doesn't want to listen to the podcast or read the book on how to improve it?
No problem. There is so much that can be made better by JUST YOU doing this work. I...
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