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Finding your CALM with your teenager

Finding your CALM with your teenager

Hosted by: Jessica Stewart

Join me in these short episodes where I share with you how to find your way to calm with your teenager. I promise you it's there and we will uncover it.

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#53-CALM is Your Natural State

What if CALM is not somewhere we are trying to get to or strive for?  I've been striving to be calm for awhile now and what I've come to realize is that our calm state is covered up by a lot of false thoughts that are...
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#52-The Important Parenting Lesson From the Movie Inside Out

Have you watched the movie Inside Out?  I just watched it and I know it's not new but I want to talk about it!  It should be required watching for all humans. Listen to find out why our job as parents is not to make...
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#51-Not Needing to Have All the Answers

What if you don't know how to handle a situation with your teenager?  Does that mean you are not a good parent?  Not       even       close This episode is all about releasing the pressure of needing to have all the...
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#50-How to Help Your Teenager Through Heartbreak

Does your teenager's heartbreak also break your heart? Teen heartbreak is rough on them but also on us.  How do we deal with it? What do we do? What do we say? I'm not sure I can tell you what to do or say but I can...
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#49-Making Space for Anger

I've been really ANGRY lately!  I admit it and it took me by surprise. I haven't felt this way in quite some time and being faced with it was a good reminder about how important it is to make space for ALL of the...
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#48-Perfectionist Parenting

Do you have perfectionist parenting tendencies?  Do you think it helps or hinders you? I am a recovering perfectionist and here to share how perfectionism has increased my anxiety over the years,  How about some...
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#47-Unhelpful Parenting Thoughts Part 4

I just don't want them to fail!  This thought makes perfect sense, yet it may be working against your teenagers and you as their parent. Today is the last episode of my Unhelpful Parenting Thoughts series.  Listen in...
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#46-Unhelpful Parenting Thoughts Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of this series! I'm exploring some parenting thoughts I have had in my own life that I now recognize as leading to no good outcome.   This week the thought is "This shouldn't be so hard!" I will...
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#45-Unhelpful Parenting Thoughts Part 2

I'm back with Part 2 of the Unhelpful Parenting Thoughts series! This week we are looking at the thought "They should know better". Sounds like an OK reasonable thought but again we will be looking below the surface...
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#44-Unhelpful Parenting Thoughts Part 1

There are so many thoughts we have as parents that were handed to us and sound like the truth.  What if these thoughts are not helping us out as parents at all?   Over the next few episodes I'm going to explore some...
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#43-How to Create a Thinking Plan

We've all heard about creating action plans, but what about creating a plan for how to think?  I get it, I always want to know what to do in any situation.  What I have found though is that it is more important for me...
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#42-Your Changing Role as the Parent of a Teenager

Why are my old ways of parenting not working anymore?  What's happening now that I have a teenager that I feel like I've lost all of my parenting skills? You are not alone in this thinking.   As our teenagers grow and...
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