All Episodes
#41-Unconditional Love
Love yourself and others unconditionally they say..... This is simple in concept but harder in practical terms. There is so much that comes up in our brains when we are told to love ourselves. My hope for this...
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#40-The Operator's Manual We Have for Others
Why don't people come with an instruction manual? Especially our teenagers. Well they do, but the kicker is that we have made it up for them ourselves. We have ideas about everyone we interact with according to our...
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#39-Righteous Anger
Anger feels good sometimes. We usually don't continue doing things that aren't working for us in some way. This episode is looking at the ways in which we like to keep our anger and the ways anger helps us feel...
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#38-Dealing with Anger-Part 2
Ever had somebody tell you to calm down when you're angry? Does it ever help? Never has for me that's for sure.
Anger is normal, natural and universal and we wouldn't want to banish it from our lives forever. What...
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#37-Dealing With Anger
If you listen to my podcast, I'm sure you struggle with not being able to remain calm. I hear you and it's precisely why I'm sharing this work.
In this episode we are going to look at our anger and some different...
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#36-I Miss Them Being Little-Processing Emotions
Remember when they were little and cute? What happened? Where did they go and when are they coming back?
I've thought these thoughts and I bet you have too. What emotion does this bring up for you?
In this...
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#35-How to Worry Less
Worrying is a habit that can absolutely be reduced. Do you describe yourself as a worrier who feels doomed to have to do it forever? Worrying is not necessary, helpful or inevitable but it does take some practise to...
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#34-Are You Missing Your Teen?
Being future-focused is great right? Well not always....
Always living in the future can ensure that we miss what's happening right now, which is really all we ever have.
In this episode I talk about how to use...
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33-Acceptance vs. Resistance
How do you know when you are resisting what is happening in your life and why does it matter? In this episode I talk about the way you can tell you are in resistance and why this creates so much struggle in our...
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Episode #32-What's Going on Inside the Teenage Brain?
We moved house this past week and was it ever chaotic in my brain!! It got me to thinking about what is going on in the brains of teenagers as we navigate through this challenging time in our lives and in theirs.
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Episode #31-Our Children Are Not Projects
At some point in my parenting journey it came to me that I have been treating my kids as projects to get an A on. When we want to do well on something we become so goal-oriented and "to-do list focused" that we forget...
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Episode #30-Why We Say We're Fine When We're Not
When someone asks you how you're doing, what do you usually say?
Fine? Good?
It's easier right, then explaining how we are actually feeling.
If it's true for us, it's true for our teenagers. In this episode I go...
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