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Episode #29-How to Mentally Prepare Yourself for Holiday Gatherings
Happy Holidays! This episode was recorded on Christmas Eve. The Eve of when many of you have already been to holiday gatherings or are about to embark on what can be a super busy and overwhelming time of...
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Episode #28-What Are Your Top 3 Thoughts as a Parent?
Ever listen to a greatest hits album on repeat? A record album has grooves that the needle rides along and the album goes round and round. The thoughts in our brains work the same way. We have thoughts and return...
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Episode #27-Why We Flip Our Lids!
Flipped your lid? Lost your cool? Flown off the handle?
We all do this as parents and it usually doesn't go well. So why do we do it?
This episode will talk about the very human reasons we do this and what we can...
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10 Ways to Improve Connection With Your Teenager
What is connection capital and how is it like money in the bank for your relationship with your teenager?
Why is connection so important and how can we connect consistently and in small ways?
In this week's episode...
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Episode #25-Book Report Time! Get This Book for Your Parenting Toolkit!
Anytime I come across a challenge, I usually search to find if there is a book about it to help me and today I have a book report and recommendation for you.
The Grown-Up's Guide to Teenage Humans by Josh Shipp
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Episode #24-What to do when you feel like a failure as a parent
Have you ever felt like a failure as a parent?
I have and for a long time I didn't have the tools to know how to manage that emotionally.
I have these tools now and am sharing them with you in this episode. We...
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Episode #23-How to Communicate More Effectively with Your Teen
Communication is so important in our relationships. This is especially true with our teenagers when there are so many ways we can connect with them these days. Are all of these modes of communication helping or...
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Episode #22-Emotional Pain
How do you handle emotional pain? I have been feeling some physical pain lately and it got me to thinking how we handle these differently,
How does can we benefit from treating our emotional pain like the physical...
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Episode #21-Help! My Teenager is Not Motivated to do Anything!
How do we motivate our teenagers? Wouldn't it be great to wave a magic wand and have it show up for them and let's be honest, for us as well.
In this episode I discuss motivation and why a lack of motivation is...
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Episode #20-How to Connect with Teenagers with Different Personality Types
Do you have challenges with connecting with your teenager who has a different personality than you, or what about one who has the same personality?
In this episode I will explore why we do this and how to help...
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Episode #19-The Best Way to Help Your Teenager's Mental Health
Where do we start with helping improve our teenager's mental health?
In this episode I share what I think is the most important and impactful place to support our teen's mental health and well-being.
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Episode #18-Talking to Your Teen About Vaping and Smoking
Ever wonder how to have a conversation about vaping/smoking with your teen?
I am a Respiratory Therapist and Certified Tobacco Educator and will give you the most important facts to share with your teen. They will...
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