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Finding your CALM with your teenager

Finding your CALM with your teenager

Hosted by: Jessica Stewart

Join me in these short episodes where I share with you how to find your way to calm with your teenager. I promise you it's there and we will uncover it.

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Episode #17-"Of course they did"-A Thought For Acceptance

Wouldn't it be great if our teenagers did exactly what we wanted them to do?  If I know how to get this to happen, I would be a millionaire.   How about a way of thinking that saves time, reduces stress and helps deal...
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Episode #16-Changing the Parenting Job Description

  Were you given a job description when you became a parent or a caregiver? I wasn't. What if we can re-write the job description into something that feels more doable and has us feeling more like a success and less...
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Episode #15-Why is Parenting So Hard?

Why is parenting so hard for me?  I have asked myself this question so many times.  The undercurrent of the question is that somehow we are thinking parenting shouldn't be hard.  Maybe we know on an intellectual level...
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Episode #14-Accept More by Doing and Saying Less

What do we do? What do we say? What are the right words to say in this situation? What if you didn't have to do or say anything? What if you just had to be there? Learn how doing and saying less can actually be so...
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Episode # 13-How to think about connection with your teenager

Do you struggle to connect with your teenager?  I do.   Although we think the fact that they are our children means that we should always connect easily with them, it isn't the case. This episode looks at connection...
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Episode #12-Is It Just Me Who Struggles With This?

Do you ever think you are the only one who is struggling with something related to parenting?  Why do our brains offer us this unhelpful thought?   In this episode I offer an instant relief method to help bring...
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Episode 11-Sending your teen away to college for the first time? How to manage your emotions

Are you sending your teen away to college for the first time?  I did this a year ago and I'm sharing my experience with you today. Listen to this episode for: -how to manage your emotions -how to treat yourself as you...
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Episode #10-What if worrying wasn't necessary?

Could it actually be true that worry isn't actually necessary? In this episode I will talk about -my own journey with worrying (I'm still on it) -what is worrying really? -why we think it's necessary and why it makes...
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Episode #9-Making Decisions

Should I let my teenager do this or not? This is the million dollar question and as parents, we so want to get this right. How do we know what the “right” decision is anyways? In this episode, I will teach you to tap...
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Episode #8-Our Relationship with Our Kids

Do you have trouble separating yourself from your child? Do you see them as a part of you literally? While this is understandable on so many levels, it may be hurting your relationship with your teenager and causing...
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Episode #7-Performing CPR on your Parenting

What does CPR have to do with parenting? In this episode learn how to approach parenting situations with a process in mind to keep yourself as CALM and present as possible. Learn how your brain is actually is trying...
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Episode #6-Managing Your Emotions

Managing your emotions also sometimes know as feeling your feelings is often seen as a soft skill and a bit woo-woo. We don't want to cry in front of other people or show weakness. What if feeling your feelings is the...
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